Sometimes we have beliefs that have developed as we have from our childhood and life experiences. These beliefs manifest themselves in our everyday life as us perpetually reacting or taking action that feels wrong (especially with hindsight) that is then repeated.

Our patterns keep us stuck and our patterns are related to our limiting beliefs.

Are you avoiding the release of old limiting beliefs because you are either unaware of what these patterns are and therefore do not realise what is available to you on the other side? (or you are fully aware and know you need to do something about it)

Well, what if I told you that when you repeat your unconscious beliefs and patterns, then you narrow your life choices, when you understand how you are keeping yourself small and stuck – you can let go and move forward, as on the other side is a life waiting for you where you are able to take action on what does serve you and bring you happiness.

Your chakras are the energy centres which hold the essence of these beliefs.

Are you aware of your chakras and how important they are in life?

Do you know about the chakras but not sure how to use this information?

Do you have solid practical steps to strengthen, cleanse and align your chakras?

Perhaps you have an idea that one of your chakras is out of alignment but no idea how to tell which one?

If so, my 8 week Chakra Therapy Course is for you


the information you receive on this course will enable you to really tune in to each of the chakras, recognise when they are out of balance and learn how to heal each of them.

Understanding the chakras can help you to gain insight into your inner self, using this knowledge and actions recommended on a consistent basis can bring about healing of the chakra, allowing you to be more aligned with your higher self.

“Hi everyone! I came into this class knowing enough about the chakras *so I thought *and it was more for support of Diane, boy was I surprised to get so much more than I could have imagined. Lots of information and many things I did not know about the classes where not too long and not too short, we got meditation time in the end so it was very nice. The workbooks for each chakra is loaded with information and the interaction with the rest of the class is fun. Thank you Diane for your energy and all the information you shared. I highly recommend her class for anyone needing to learn about the chakras and what

They do as well as how we can align them and use them to help us balance. Blessings


Let me introduce my 8 week Chakra Therapy Course

This course is designed to help you …

  • Expand your knowledge about each of the 7 main chakras.
  • Understand the functions of the chakras and how they impact you in your everyday life.
  • Look at how the chakras impact your emotions, beliefs, attitudes, your physical body and your spirituality.
  • Connect to the different ways you can heal and tune into each chakra.
  • Use Chakra Therapy in your every day life as you need to.
  • And so much more.

Included in this 8 week course is …

  • Pre-recorded meditations
  • Downloadable affirmation PDF files
  • A weekly (Wednesday 7pm UK time) live session on zoom so you can hear and see each other in the session
  • Recorded so replay can be accessed
  • A live intuitive meditation
  • Weekly downloadable workbooks you can print and use in each session

Your Investment


(for the full 8 week course)

Next Course Dates

 September – 14th 2022

Payment plan available – Initial instalment upon booking the course = £65 plus 2nd payment prior to week 4 = £65 – please contact me to discuss. 

After you have paid – Diane will contact you to book your place on the course.

Wow, wow, wow! What a truly amazing course. Diane was so organized with her teachings and really provided so much valuable information for each chakra that I now put in place everyday. It was an intimate group which allowed for us to engage with Diane and interact with other students.

Diane has so many gifts and such a beautiful way of teaching that I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone. I am so grateful having her a part of my journey.”




There is a wealth of available information out in the world now with regards to how to develop spiritually. Books, podcasts, websites, videos etc…

This can leave you feeling overwhelmed or confused…

Maybe you’ve tried different ways to connect on your own, experimented with various modalities but just don’t seem to get very far, or ‘dry up’ after a while?

Maybe you really want to meet your guides but just can’t seem to connect.

Let’s be honest, perhaps you are just not sure what guides really do? – I mean you can’t actually see them – so how can they help realistically and physically?

Perhaps you have tried every exercise you can lay your hands on but now feel to tap into your spiritual gifts seems like a lifetime away, so you may as well just give up.


Let me help you.

I’ve been working intuitively for many years, originally in my late teens and very early 20’s, then as a therapist in different ways and returned to sharing my gifts last year. I go live every single week to provide free mini readings to others in need. With the help of my guide, I have created a 7 step programme and a Chakra Therapy Course and now have created this course too. I’ve been personally asked by my clients who have worked with me on these courses/programmes to put this course together.

My 4 week TAP INTO YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS course is designed to help you to live A SPIRITUAL LIFE, using your gifts on a daily basis for yourself and to help others.

Connecting you to your spiritual gifts in a gentle, interactive, practical and straightforward way.

This course is for you if you want to…

  • Have a basic understanding of the different modalities used when working spiritually.
  • Begin to tap into your spiritual gifts practically.
  • Receive an introduction to feeling and seeing Aura’s.
  • Meet your guide and understand their purpose.
  • Have a safe place to practice your gifts with support.
  • Work in a small and supportive class.


Explore the different ways to work spiritually, trying out the different modalities to see how they feel for you and be introduced to some of the most popular divination tools.


Engage in practical exercises every week. From preparing to work spiritually in a way that will help you relax and connect with spirit – to giving messages or even readings to another person.


Help you to connect with your guides.


Assist you in clearing your doubts about your ability to connect/work in this way.

Providing you with…

Ongoing support throughout the course.

Connection with others on the same journey as yourself – through private Facebook group.

Growth – Your spiritual growth I mean. In life it is very true that GROWTH = HAPPINESS, this is because we are happy when we make progress, are taking action and moving forward.

Next Course Dates..

18th May – 8th June Inclusive.

Classes will be held live on a Wednesday night via Zoom.

Your Investment


(due to smaller class size, places are limited)

To enrol on this course, please click the button below, then complete the form to contact me and ascertain next availability.

Or you can contact me directly by Direct Message on Facebook.


When you are ready to have a conversation with me to start shifting you away from feeling confusion, struggle or insecurity, so we can identify what your next step should be to move you towards the life you want and how you want to feel, then I would love you to…

Join Me


My free interactive Facebook community, where I share readings, inspiration and all things purposely spiritual.

If you would like to reach your full potential or simply become happier, then I welcome you to join below!